Tuesday 26 March 2013

Patterns field trip!!

Aloha blog readers,
Today at Enrich we went on a trip to queen's park. We went looking for patterns in our surroundings or environment. We were looking for patterns of beauty, order, strength and survivability or the way I remember it B.O.S.S. On the way on the park we were also looking for patterns. Some of the patterns Katura and I found were bricks-bricks are a pattern of strength, survivability and order. We also went to the rose gardens and took pictures of flowers because flowers are a pattern of beauty and survivability. At the playground there is a basket swing and it is a pattern of strength, order and beauty. It is a pattern of strength because the strong metal poles holding it up and the chains letting it hang and it is a pattern of order because of rows of black rubber. I really enjoyed this trip.

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